Taiwan Heart Rhythm Society

Abstract Submission

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation & Agreement

Only original and unpublished abstracts are accepted.

All authors named in this abstract have agreed to its submission for presentation at the 2025 THRS Annual Conference in Conjunction with Ventricular Arrhythmia Forum and Taipei-Tokyo-Seoul Arrhythmia Joint Conference and that the authors are familiar with the study and agree with the results.

Preference for presentation type should be indicated in your submission. However, the final presentation mode for each paper will be decided by the Scientific Committee and will be advised to the corresponding author within the acceptance notice.

The Author agrees to, and does hereby assign all rights, title and interest, including copyrights, of the abstract to the Publisher. When the abstract is ready for publication, it will be published at the Publisher's own expense, under the Publisher's name in the Conference abstracts.

Abstract Rules and Procedures.


All abstract must be typed in ENGLISH. The total number of characters allowed for the submission is 1,950. The character count does not include spaces. As you enter text into the abstract title, a counter deducts characters from the total allowable number of characters.

Submitting authors are required to include the assigned section headers in his/her abstract submission. If this information is not included in the abstract body, the abstract will not be considered formatted correctly for publication.

Section Headers:

Provocative Cases Abstracts: When entering your case report, please enter “N/A” into the Methods section and the actual case into the Results section.

Characters are also deducted when you create a table or upload a graphic. The number of characters deducted for each table or graphic is 500. Only a single table or figure is allowed per submission. Please be sure that any text included in the figure will be legible at the size you define for the figure.

Use of Color: Please be sure to use colors in your graphic that can easily be seen in black and white print. We recommend that you do not use any dark color(s) (i.e., black, blue, dark grey or green, or red) as a background color on an image.

Please be noted that the online registration process is required.
Please visit Registration(http://www.thrs-scientific.org/thrs2025/registration/) to create your User ID first.